
Stuart T. O’Neal , Katherine E. Senior, and Anthony S. Cottone Obtain Dismissal of Claims against Outpatient Radiology Center

Jun 22, 2017 | News

Stuart T. O’Neal (Member), Katherine E. Senior (Of Counsel), and Anthony S. Cottone (Associate) successfully obtained a dismissal of their client, an outpatient radiology center, from a lawsuit involving a delayed diagnosis of cancer. The Complaint alleged that numerous Defendants were negligent in failing to identify and diagnose cancer in the Plaintiff. Claims against the radiology center included claims for ostensible agency and vicarious liability with regard to two (2) interpreting radiologists, as well as corporate liability and loss of consortium claims. Attorneys O’Neal, Senior, and Cottone were able to have their client dismissed prior to the undertaking of extensive discovery—saving their clients not only from potential liability, but significant time, effort, and cost of litigation.