Estate and Trust Planning Services
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For more information about our firm’s Estate and Trust Planning Services, please contact:

Customized Protection for a Secure Future
When it comes to estate and trust work, Burns White attorneys have the insight—and foresight—to prepare financial legal solutions that best fit your needs. Our services include:
- Managing estate planning documents such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives
- Assisting with probate issues
- Handling Orphans’ Court litigation
Every client’s situation is unique, and our team of attorneys has the practical experience and technical knowledge to customize an approach that works best for your needs. We walk with you through the process to ensure that your goals are accomplished.
Estate Planning
Burns White can help you prepare the proper estate planning documents. From simple to complex, we analyze objectives and work with our clients to develop comprehensive estate plans. These may include wills, powers of attorney, healthcare directives and other important documents.
More complex cases may require trusts or other, more specific planning. This includes creating plans for beneficiaries with special needs, and providing legal advice necessary to protect your loved ones and their assets.
Our attorneys also have experience with orphans’ court litigation, and understand the common issues and pitfalls that need to be addressed for future security.
Estate Administration
Whether you have been named in a will as the Executor of an estate, or a loved one has passed on without a will, Burns White will assist you through the estate administration and probate process. Our attorneys prepare all required legal documents to administer an estate in Western Pennsylvania, allowing you to move forward confidently knowing that your legal matters are being addressed. The rules and procedures of probate can be difficult to navigate, especially in the trying days after losing a loved one. Our team of attorneys will work with you to ensure a smooth transition.
Orphans’ Court Litigation
Burns White attorneys can represent you in various aspects of Orphans’ Court litigation. We understand the process and documentation required for guardianships, adoptions, will contests, and issues with powers of attorney.
Pennsylvania law provides that, if an adult individual is incapacitated, a guardian can be appointed to provide for his or her personal/health needs and the management of finances. Burns White can assist in obtaining guardianship to ensure your loved one is cared for and protected. We work with family members of individuals who have special needs, dementia, traumatic brain injuries, and other issues which prevent them from taking care of themselves.
Burns White also helps families through the adoption process; this includes private adoptions, step-parent adoptions, and other related issues. We advise families how best to proceed, prepare the necessary filings, and handle both the termination of parental rights and the adoption proceedings. Adoption law can be complex and tedious, and it is critical to be represented by attorneys who are deeply knowledgeable in this area of law.
While proper estate planning and administration can help to eliminate issues, there may be times where you, as the beneficiary of an estate have concerns. Burns White can assist you with challenging a will, reviewing an Agent or Executor’s action, and correcting issues which may have occurred during the probate process.